Why can computer data loss be costly for a small business?

Computer data loss is a concern for many companies. Handling errors, hacking, theft, whatever the cause, the consequences are inevitable. Despite the risks of this situation, many institutions still frequently overlook the need for comprehensive safeguards to protect their information.

Find out why losing computer data can be costly for a small business.

Computer data loss impacts financial health

Computer data loss has its share of consequences for a small business, especially for its financial health. This fiscal balance can be affected by two main factors. First, the type of information lost can be very expensive. Secondly, the costs associated with emergency handling are higher than those for risk prevention.

In the event of a leak, your customers’ private information may be disclosed or lost. This type of damage can result in significant penalties and fines, which an organization cannot afford. Moreover, when this situation involves financial information, reports, confidential projects or patents, to name but a few, the financial impact may be even greater. Indeed, when this type of problem occurs in the infrastructure of small institutions, about 70% of them cease operations in the year following the incident. Since the potential cost can amount to several thousand dollars, it is better to be properly equipped to avoid this situation. When drawing up your IT budget, allow for preventive maintenance.

There are a number of ways to preserve your information and avoid paying a large amount of compensation. When you use the services of a reliable provider, you ensure that your information is secure through an online data backup service. It is better to invest in protecting your data with a cloud provider in advance than to spend money on emergency measures to recover your information. Educate your employees about possible contingencies, set up a comprehensive backup plan and implement a comprehensive protection plan to preserve your files. As teleworking has become more widespread, securing teleworking data has become even more important.

When you lose computer data, you lose customers

Computer data loss can not only be costly to your finances but can also result in losing many customers. When data is stolen or exposed, your company needs to mention it to its clients. This announcement can have a chilling effect and lead them to abandon your services. There is no doubt that such damage can negatively affect your image and, at the same time, reduce the trust your clients have in your institution. In order to rebuild the relationship with your members, you will have to work hard and implement the necessary actions to win back your customers. It’s important to strengthen your cybersecurity to avoid any loss of data.


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Computer data loss can reduce productivity

Data loss is a disadvantage that can disrupt any company’s productivity. However, when you have a small institution, it can be more difficult to invest as much energy in restructuring and recovering your documents. The more time you spend retrieving important files, the less time you will focus on your core business. Productivity is inevitably affected. To prevent this decrease in performance, you can outsource the management of your company’s IT infrastructure to a professional IT firm.

Protect your business from data loss

In short, computer data leaks are costly for all companies, but especially for small ones. This type of incident can put an institution in a very vulnerable position and even lead it to closure.

To avoid this scenario, you can use the services of an expert IT firm. For more information or to discuss your company’s needs with our specialists, contact Groupe SL. It will be our pleasure to speak with you!

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